Dev C++ Lottery

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I have been assigned to make a 2 number lottery game. The numbers can be the same, but not everytime. I have no idea what i'm doing. any advice would be great. thanks. heres my code:
// Lottery Number Game
#include <iostream>
// so we dont have to use std: anymore
using namespace std;
int main () // Start of program
int lotto1; // first lotto number
int lotto2; // second lotto number
int guess1; // users first guess
int guess2; // users second guess
lotto1 srand 1 >= && <=10; // generates lotto number 1
lotto2 srand 1 >= && <=10; // generates lotto number 2
cout << 'Welcome to the Lottery'n; // welcome screen
cout << ' Enter your first integer guess between 1 and 10n '; // promt for fisrt guess
cin >> guess1; // read first guess
cout << ' Enter your secend intger guess between 1 and 10n '; // promt for second guess
cin >> guess2; // read second guess
if (( guess1 lotto1 lotto2) && (guess2 lotto1 lotto2)) cout << ' YOU WIN!n'; // Winning Result
if (guess1 != lotto1 lotto2) cout << ' You LOSE! hahahan '; // Losing result
if (( guess1 lotto1 lotto2) (guess2 lotto1 lotto2)) cout << ' You got one of the numbers correct, but you still LOSEn'; // Almost winning, but losing result
return 0; // end program
} // end function main

I have to make a program that simulates a lottery. The program should have an array of 5 digits named winningdigits, a randomly generated number in the range of 0 through 9 for each element in the array. The program should ask the user to enter 5 digits and should store them in a second integer array named player. The program must compare corresponding elements in two arrrays and count how many digits match.

This is an example: There are two matching digits, elements 2 and 4.
winningDigits: 7, 4, 9, 1, 3
player: 4, 2, 9, 7, 3
Print out the matches and how much money the user made.
Money made = Match(es) X 100
2 Matches = $200

So far I have this, I'm not sure how to make them match. Do I do the same type of thing for player like I did for winningDigits? I'm not really sure what to do after this?

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Dev C++ Lottery

Ancient Dragon5,243

I assume the array of winning digits can not contain duplicate numbers -- for example this would be illegal: 7 1 4 7 2 5 because the number 7 appears more than once. If that is correct, then you need to expand the loop on line 12 to check the array to see if the value returned by line 13 already exists in the array.

Dev C++ 5.11

line 15: a[10] accesses one element beyond the end of the array, that is, there is no 10th element. Remember, arrays always start numbering with 0, so the last elment in that array is a[9].

Why does arry a contain 10 elements when only the first 5 are used?

You need to add something before line 15 to get user input for 5 digits. Again, you will probably want to check for duplicates.

Dev C++ For Windows 10

It probably doesn't matter if the digits in the two arrays are in the same order. So you might use a 3d array to check off the digits that appear in both arrays. You could use a bool array for that.

Dev C++ Lottery Winning

Sam cooke discography download. bool checks[5] = {false};

So i'm looking to start learning how to program. My friend made me a lottery number generator in a matter of 5-10 mins and said, that's an easy one to start with. Unfortunately, he wont be able to help me just yet as he's really, so i downloaded Dev C in the hope someone here can help me create a program that does the following. Apr 16, 2020  I have to make a program that simulates a lottery. The program should have an array of 5 digits named winningdigits, a randomly generated number in the range of 0 through 9 for each element in the array. The program should ask the user to enter 5 digits and should store them in a second integer. Jan 10, 2016 Java Project Tutorial - Make Login and Register Form Step by Step Using NetBeans And MySQL Database - Duration: 3:43:32. 1BestCsharp blog Recommended for you. A C tutorial about 'Logical Operators' C: Logical Operators 'If' statements provide an excellent way to do certain things under certain conditions, however sometimes more complex conditions are required to accomplish the desired goal.

Now loop through both the first two arrays. If the first value in the second array (user inputs) appears anywhere in the first array (winningDigits) then set checks[0] to true. Do that for each of the other digits in the user inputs array. When done, all you have to do is count the number of true values in the checks array.

Dev C++ Lottery Result

Once you get all that done the rest should be fairly easy to print out.

Dev C Lottery Winning

Don't attempt to program all this at the same time. Do a little bit, compile, correct errors then repeat.